Website Update and Services on Sale!
This is my first Powell & Associates blog post with actual content! This time I’m focusing on the website and the business, including a sale on my services, with plans to focus on some scientific topics and issues going forward.
First, I just updated the website with both new and reorganized content as well as a makeover that includes additional graphics and an effort to get more consistency in the format, even while incorporating sections that have been present since the earlier days of the website. It is a website and will always be a work in progress, but I hope you agree that it is better than it was. I have more changes and updates planned as time permits, including sections on Environmental Forensics, Litigation Support, etc. One time-consuming issue with such updates is that it’s often hard to categorize the service/capabilities areas because they really aren’t discreet and separate from one another. Much like the science of environmental science, everything is cross-disciplinary, interrelated, and any boundaries on the website are somewhat artificial.
Second, to celebrate the update and my love for environmental science (it was just Valentine’s Day, after all), I’m going to offer 35% off my usual consulting rate of $154.00/hour to the first five client projects I get after finishing this blog post. This is a bargain basement rate for a senior environmental scientist of only $100/hour, guaranteed for the first year of the project! Just call me at (248)977-0317 or email me by going to the “About PASS” menu and selecting “Contact PASS.”
Check out the website, check out PASS’s capabilities, and hire me now for great savings no matter your environmental needs. Also, stay tuned for further blog updates and improvements to the website content!