Representative PASS Projects
Specific PASS projects are noted throughout this site on pages containing a "Service Shorts" column. Certain projects have included:
◆ Expert witness support for environmental litigation-
◦ Soil contamination expert for a major industrial operation, several lawsuits
◦ Monitoring well issues for a WA consultancy
◦ Industrial siting versus environmental sensitivity for a tribe
◆ Served on the External Advisory Group (EAG) for the Hydrogeologic Workplan at the Los Alamos National Laboratory for seven years
◆ Provided direct support to U.S. EPA for technical program review
◆ Carried out a variety of tasks associated with a sensitive lake environment and industrialization within a tribal reservation boundary
◆ Analyzed innovative PRB designs proposed in a RI/FS for chlorinated hydrocarbons impacting property boundaries and assistance with the development of appropriate compliance and performance monitoring using low-flow rate sampling methods
Specific PASS projects are noted throughout this site on pages containing a "Service Shorts" column. Certain projects have included:
◆ Expert witness support for environmental litigation-
◦ Soil contamination expert for a major industrial operation, several lawsuits
◦ Monitoring well issues for a WA consultancy
◦ Industrial siting versus environmental sensitivity for a tribe
◆ Served on the External Advisory Group (EAG) for the Hydrogeologic Workplan at the Los Alamos National Laboratory for seven years
◆ Provided direct support to U.S. EPA for technical program review
◆ Carried out a variety of tasks associated with a sensitive lake environment and industrialization within a tribal reservation boundary
◆ Analyzed innovative PRB designs proposed in a RI/FS for chlorinated hydrocarbons impacting property boundaries and assistance with the development of appropriate compliance and performance monitoring using low-flow rate sampling methods

◆ Served as an advisor to a tribe on a major cement kiln dust site
◆ Authored reports and performed technical and editorial review for site characterization and cleanup projects in Botany Bay, Australia
◆ Conducted investigations and surveys relative to the remediation needs of the electric power utility industry
◆ Provided indirect support to U.S. EPA on numerous ground water and subsurface topics via subcontracts with two prime contractors.
◆ Performed exploratory data analyses and provided expert witness support on projects in Washington State involving ground water monitoring issues
◆ Evaluated data from ten Washington State landfills and prepared recommendations and sampling guidance
◆ Proposal development, geochemical evaluations and exploratory data analysis on NV and WA landfills, including landfill sampling guidance
◆ Worked with a client to develop reports germane to the sampling needs of the electric power utility industry
◆ Evaluated tender submissions for a proposed permeable reactive barrier installation in England
◆ Authored reports and performed technical and editorial review for site characterization and cleanup projects in Botany Bay, Australia
◆ Conducted investigations and surveys relative to the remediation needs of the electric power utility industry
◆ Provided indirect support to U.S. EPA on numerous ground water and subsurface topics via subcontracts with two prime contractors.
◆ Performed exploratory data analyses and provided expert witness support on projects in Washington State involving ground water monitoring issues
◆ Evaluated data from ten Washington State landfills and prepared recommendations and sampling guidance
◆ Proposal development, geochemical evaluations and exploratory data analysis on NV and WA landfills, including landfill sampling guidance
◆ Worked with a client to develop reports germane to the sampling needs of the electric power utility industry
◆ Evaluated tender submissions for a proposed permeable reactive barrier installation in England